.. only:: html >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import scipy as sp .. _image-answers: Example of solution for the image processing exercise: unmolten grains in glass =============================================================================== .. image:: ../image_processing/MV_HFV_012.jpg :align: center 1. Open the image file MV_HFV_012.jpg and display it. Browse through the keyword arguments in the docstring of ``imshow`` to display the image with the "right" orientation (origin in the bottom left corner, and not the upper left corner as for standard arrays). :: >>> dat = plt.imread('data/MV_HFV_012.jpg') 2. Crop the image to remove the lower panel with measure information. :: >>> dat = dat[:-60] 3. Slightly filter the image with a median filter in order to refine its histogram. Check how the histogram changes. :: >>> filtdat = sp.ndimage.median_filter(dat, size=(7,7)) >>> hi_dat = np.histogram(dat, bins=np.arange(256)) >>> hi_filtdat = np.histogram(filtdat, bins=np.arange(256)) .. image:: ../image_processing/exo_histos.png :align: center 4. Using the histogram of the filtered image, determine thresholds that allow to define masks for sand pixels, glass pixels and bubble pixels. Other option (homework): write a function that determines automatically the thresholds from the minima of the histogram. :: >>> void = filtdat <= 50 >>> sand = np.logical_and(filtdat > 50, filtdat <= 114) >>> glass = filtdat > 114 5. Display an image in which the three phases are colored with three different colors. :: >>> phases = void.astype(int) + 2*glass.astype(int) + 3*sand.astype(int) .. image:: ../image_processing/three_phases.png :align: center 6. Use mathematical morphology to clean the different phases. :: >>> sand_op = sp.ndimage.binary_opening(sand, iterations=2) 7. Attribute labels to all bubbles and sand grains, and remove from the sand mask grains that are smaller than 10 pixels. To do so, use ``sp.ndimage.sum`` or ``np.bincount`` to compute the grain sizes. :: >>> sand_labels, sand_nb = sp.ndimage.label(sand_op) >>> sand_areas = np.array(sp.ndimage.sum(sand_op, sand_labels, np.arange(sand_labels.max()+1))) >>> mask = sand_areas > 100 >>> remove_small_sand = mask[sand_labels.ravel()].reshape(sand_labels.shape) .. image:: ../image_processing/sands.png :align: center 8. Compute the mean size of bubbles. :: >>> bubbles_labels, bubbles_nb = sp.ndimage.label(void) >>> bubbles_areas = np.bincount(bubbles_labels.ravel())[1:] >>> mean_bubble_size = bubbles_areas.mean() >>> median_bubble_size = np.median(bubbles_areas) >>> mean_bubble_size, median_bubble_size (1699.875, 65.0)