Examples for the image processing chapterΒΆ

Displaying a Raccoon Face

Displaying a Raccoon Face

Image interpolation

Image interpolation

Plot the block mean of an image

Plot the block mean of an image

Image manipulation and NumPy arrays

Image manipulation and NumPy arrays

Radial mean

Radial mean

Display a Raccoon Face

Display a Raccoon Face

Image sharpening

Image sharpening

Blurring of images

Blurring of images

Synthetic data

Synthetic data

Opening, erosion, and propagation

Opening, erosion, and propagation

Image denoising

Image denoising

Geometrical transformations

Geometrical transformations

Find the bounding box of an object

Find the bounding box of an object

Measurements from images

Measurements from images

Total Variation denoising

Total Variation denoising

Denoising an image with the median filter

Denoising an image with the median filter

Histogram segmentation

Histogram segmentation

Greyscale dilation

Greyscale dilation

Finding edges with Sobel filters

Finding edges with Sobel filters

Cleaning segmentation with mathematical morphology

Cleaning segmentation with mathematical morphology

Segmentation with Gaussian mixture models

Segmentation with Gaussian mixture models

Watershed segmentation

Watershed segmentation



Segmentation with spectral clustering

Segmentation with spectral clustering

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